Chris Noessel > Masters Project: Free Range Learning Support> Learner Needs
Introduction  |  Process  |  The Service  |  Experience Prototypes  |  Conclusion  |  Appendices

Learner Needs

  In my research, I was unable to find a major source that would clearly identify a list of learner needs. Some well-respected authors (Brookfield, Lave, Papert, Wurman) had suggestions but did not attempt an exhaustive list. Some self-help authors (Gelb, Gross) provided suggestions but did not cite any research to support them. Others skipped the topic altogether. In my search I found an excellent course hosted at the Learning Disabilities Resource Community website titled Learning to Learn by Greg Gay at the University of Toronto. Though this course is not referenced in any of my other resources, I was impressed by its thoroughness and Gay’s willingness to put a stake in the ground. I have developed the following list by distilling the suggestions in Gay’s course and combining it with related suggestions from other authors.

Please note that this list was developed primarily as a foundation for brainstorming the service. As such, you will find that the descriptions are brief and cited only where a single author’s perspective is prevalent.

NEXT> Investigating the skills.

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