Chris Noessel > Masters Project: Free Range Learning Support> Learning to Be
Introduction  |  Process  |  The Service  |  Experience Prototypes  |  Conclusion  |  Appendices

Learning to Be

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Champion Ward, Frederick, et al. Learning To Be, The world of education today and tomorrow. Paris: UNESCO, 1972.
    Summary: Edgar Faure edited this research report for Unesco in 1972, arguing for the member nations to prioritize learning as a cultural and humanitarian imperative. The report popularized the term "Learning Society" and set into motion political initiatives on lifelong learning that continue, primarily in Western Europe, to this day.
      Part 1 begins by comparing historical and (then) modern educational practices. Over the next chapters it outlines the modern economic and educational context across the globe. He explains four schools of thought as how education interacts with society.

      Part 2 deals with future scenarios of education and how they impact the rest of society. It then discusses new educational research understandings in a number of different fields. It then presents goals for education reform, linking the effects to an individual's becoming fully human.

      Part 3 introduces the concept of a learning society and suggests ways that a society might reach this ideal.

    Use: When I was couching my project primarily in terms of the learning society, this massive document provided a clear historical context for the activity surrounding the topic today, especially in the UK. As the committee was paid to research formal education and not learning, however, their recommendations are all school-related, and not directly applicable to my final results.

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