Chris Noessel > Masters Project: Free Range Learning Support> The Children's Machine
Introduction  |  Process  |  The Service  |  Experience Prototypes  |  Conclusion  |  Appendices

The Children's Machine

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Papert, Seymour. The Childrens Machine: Rethinking School in the Age of the Computer: Basic Books, 1994.
    Summary: In this follow-up to his book Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas, Papert surveys the decade since the prior book's publication for how the proliferation of computers have affected schools and education. In discussing the successes and failures he has encountered, he examines underlying assumptions about learning, teaching, education, and school.

    Use: I could not easily get a hold of MindStorms, and I believe that this may have detracted from my reading. I found Papert's anecdotal style of writing to be distracting, but useful in parts as documentation of the learning process itself.

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