Chris Noessel > Masters Project: Free Range Learning Support> Ellen’s scenarios
Introduction  |  Process  |  The Service  |  Experience Prototypes  |  Conclusion  |  Appendices

Ellen’s scenarios


At the park

    Before Ellen can use the module, her friends decide to test how free-range this class really is. They ask the teacher if they can leave to continue at the park. The teacher says that they do not need to ask in the future. They leave school and go to the nearby park. They're not really in the mood to study, so they sit back in the grass, chat, and watch the clouds go by. But at a lull in the conversation, Ellen decides to try her tennis module.

    She pulls her cell phone out of her purse and reads a short text about the basic tennis swing. It has a few animations in it, too. At the bottom of the screen is an option to try it. She fetches the Body Learning device from her purse and clips it onto the back of her phone. With the phone in hand, she tries the swing. The module uses sensors in the device to track Ellen's motion. When she finishes the swing and looks at the screen again, it shows the arc of her motion compared to the ideal arc. It's not perfect, so she tries a few more times. Her friends ask to try as well, and she helps them, augmenting the module's text with some of her own experience.

NEXT> Tickets to the tournament

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